Middleburg is a unique Town and a distinctive setting. It’s a town who’s appeal draws from its history, its people, its sense of community and its natural and architectural beauty. You may have noticed a piece of litter or stray weed on your walks through town. So have we. Being more than two centuries old, the burg needs a little extra help to stay as charming as ever. To keep residents and visitors alike smiling as they walk our streets, the Streetscape and Go Green Committees are hosting “The Great Middleburg Clean Up and Scavenger Hunt” on Saturday, August 19th.
Set to begin at 8 AM at the Community Center in Middleburg, this is a great opportunity to come out, show your community spirit, help put a little shine on the town and have some fun. Three teams, “The Washingtons, The Marshalls and the Federals”, will storm across our streets to recycle the litter, wipe out the weeds, sweep the sidewalks and bring some extra care to the burg.
There will be an additional challenge along with this event: A Scavenger Hunt; where each team searches the streets and buildings as they clean for clues and answers to questions about Middleburg’s historical past, such as where was the original Exxon Station, which house did John S. Mosby hide from Union Soldiers in, and when was the original Middleburg Bank building built? Additionally, the Go Green Committee will demonstrate how you can make weed killer from natural products to protect our water supply and is friendly to our four-legged friends. You’ll also be able to learn the best methods to recycle everything from plastics and cans to paper products and cigarette butts.
Finishing back at the Community Center at 10 am, there will be prizes for the winning team of the scavenger hunt and for the team with the most amount of recyclable trash collected, followed by refreshments, food, and fun. Bring your family, encourage your friends and get in some community service time for Middleburg. Thanks for your support and for rolling up your sleeve with us at this awesome event.
A special thanks go out to the Street Scape and Go Green Committees for sponsoring. Everything you’ll need will be provided including gloves, trash and recycling bags, brooms and environmentally friendly weed killer. Be sure to wear comfortable weather appropriate clothes and shoes for walking. Please contact Punkin Lee (journeymen10@hotmail.com); Peter Leonard-Morgan (pleonardmorgan@middleburgva.gov) or Bridge Littleton (bridgelittleton@hotmail.com) to sign up and participate.
Submitted by: Bridge Littleton