Water & Utilites
Our community deserves a water and utilities system that will sustain us through the next generation. We must continue this system through upgrades while maintaining reasonable rates.
Quality water that is safe and sustainable.
Rates which are stable, predictable and responsible.
Upgrading our aged facilities and replacing old water lines.
Stopping sprawl by keeping utilities in Middleburg, for Middleburg.
Water & Utilities

Water & Utilities

Investing in the Future

Preserving Middleburg

Economic Development

This map shows the age of our many water lines - we have made great progress in our upgrades, but much is left to be done.

Our new treatment plant in Ridgeview. Lets not let up on completing the job to update our system.

Many of our water lines have been replaced, but over 50% remain to go

Half of our Town water lines are in need of replacement for safe, healthy and reliable water - these improvements must be funded.

Purcellville cut its utility rates, but then to pay its bills had to extend water and sewer outside its town limits. The result, sprawl around their boarders.