Our Local Economy
Working with and supporting our business community to ensure a thriving economy that benefits both locals and visitors.
Our Local Economy

Economic Development

Water & Utilities

Preserving Middleburg

Investing in the Future
Leverage our businesses economic power in a cooperative marketing program; Pool our talents, increase our impact, together.
Attract the right mix of new businesses who fit the vision of Middleburg and share our values.
Revitalize Federal Street to attract a more diverse economic and customer base.
Tax incentives and financial assistance for new and existing businesses that are investing in Middleburg.
Provide more public parking to support our community, businesses and make access easier for all.

The Pink Box is the structural heart of Middleburg. It will continue to serve as a focal point for visitors and locals.

We will continue to support such events for our citizens and businesses.

Bridge opening the first annual Middleburg Business to Business “B2B” Expo with Reggie Cooper, General Manager of the Salamander Resort.

The success of the B2B is apparent by the tremendous turnout of over 25 businesses. Councilmen Bridge Littleton and Philip Miller, Economic Development Director Jamie Gaucher, with Reggie Cooper GM of Salamander Resorts, Pat Horvath Dir. of Conference Svcs, and Prem Devadas, President of Salamander Resorts.

Opening of the new Foxcroft Innovation Center with Director of Technology Alex Northrop, Middleburg Economic Director Jamie Gaucher, Head of School of Foxcroft Kathy McGehee and Mayor Betsy Davis.

The Great Middleburg Clean Up, which Bridge helped spearhead, had 50 devoted locals participate on a sunny August Saturday to put a shine on the Town.

Dee Dee and Jay Hubbard, owners and Editors of the Middleburg Eccentric chatting with Bridge during the April 2017 MBPA Bizz Buzz at the Aldie Mill.

Discussing economic development with Julie Martin and the need to have a diverse business base to keep Middleburg fresh and energetic.

With fellow Council Members Peter Leonard Morgan and Philip Miller at 6am on a Saturday to help a new business with trash collection.