Littleton elected to position-at-large
Trowbridge “Bridge” Littleton, council member for the Town of Middleburg, was elected to an at-large position on the Executive Committee in October.
Littleton became a member of Mid-dleburg’s town council in 2016. During his term, he has seen the value VML pro-vides to communities across Virginia and is excited to join in a leadership capacity to help VML with its important mission for its members.
“As a small town, Middleburg does not have the re-sources or capabilities to keep up with the dynamically-changing environment of our state legislature, but the laws which legislators propose and enact impact us greatly,” Littleton said. “VML is our lifeline to Richmond and our elected state officials.”
Being a member of VML’s Executive Committee enables him to advocate for the interests of local govern-ments and help them meet the challenges of tomorrow.

In addition to serving on the Middleburg Town Council, Littleton has been a member of the town’s planning commis-sion and currently sits on its historic district review commis-sion. He also serves as the vice president for the Middleburg Museum Foundation, an all-volunteer non-profit organiza-tion which is building a new heritage museum to preserve and exhibit the rich history and stories of the Middleburg area. His experience with government also includes working for the Aerospace Industries Association, an advocacy group based in Virginia which directly with federal and state governments on national security issues and job creation for our country.
Littleton was born and raised in historic Middleburg and has called Virginia his home for his entire life. After attending Radford University where he earned a B.S. in history and political science, he got a law degree from the University of Richmond School of Law. He began his career with ITT, a large defense contractor, rising to the position of chief contracts officer until the company was sold in 2015. He currently serves as president of Hellen Systems, a company which he co-founded. The company is based in Middleburg and is developing a back-up sys-tem for the Global Positioning System (GPS).